custom orthotics

3 Potential Benefits Of Wearing Custom Orthotics

3 Potential Benefits Of Wearing Custom Orthotics

custom orthotics

Data from the US estimates that they spend 1.2 billion dollars per year on orthotics. With this many people using orthotics there must be a range of benefits to their use, but what are the main ones?

Well, there are a huge number of specific benefits that people report once they start wearing orthotics that range from improvements in pain from plantar fasciitis to bursitis and even osteoarthritis.

We live in a time where there is an epidemic of lower body pain in the developed world. If we were to combine the social impact of all the back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain and lower body osteoarthritis we would see that it is a modern healthcare disaster.

We live far longer lives than our ancestors did and we do so on extremely hard unnatural surfaces. Concrete, tarmac and paving stones put horrendous amounts of strain on the soft tissues in the lower body. The flatness of our urban and domestic surfaces also contributes to the problem because it requires no balance, our stabilising muscles don’t get the kind of workout nature imposes on them.

We are probably less than 70% less active than our great grandparents were as of now, they lead far more physical lives on average. Who knows how we stack up against our hunter gatherer ancestors… not great is the broad answer. This inactivity leads to weakness and the weakness leads to pain.

The Benefits Of Wearing Custom Orthotics

There are 3 basic mechanisms that form the basis of all the more tangible and specific help with symptoms that foot orthotics offer.

1- Orthotics Reduce Strain in the Foot & Ankle Joints

As a species we simply did not evolve to walk on hard flat surfaces…admittedly we did not evolve to use orthotics or shoes either, so there is no getting around these facts.

Your ancestors walked on soft, uneven ground with a constantly shifting incline and camber. Orthotics take strain off the ankle and foot joints by mimicking some of the qualities of natural terrain.

If you picture walking along the beach in bare feet, no shoes and no orthotics. Consider the range of textures depending on the wetness of the sand, consider the shifting angle depending on whether there are dunes and how fast the tide went out.

Now picture barefoot in the forest. The terrain changes constantly in many forests, that leaf litter squashes up under your arch, you have to walk along fallen limbs.

Now consider walking to work in the city. Complete hard flat homogeneous terrain, the occasional flight of stairs where each step is completely flat also. Try to picture how much more movement there would have been in your feet, and how much more support they would have had from surfaces that hug the contour of the foot.

The hard flat terrain causes huge amount of stress in the ankle joint because there is no shock absorption. Orthotics provide shock absorption and bring that stresses in the ankle joint down to slightly more normal levels.

Hard flat urban terrain does not hug the sole of the foot the same way that the majority of natural surfaces do, Orthotics make up for this by hugging the foot and providing a contoured ‘base’ for the arch.

2- Orthotics Reduce Strain in the Knee Joints

People who specialise in the study of human bones down the ages can easily spot the ‘evolutionary moment’ where we started walking upright full time just by looking at leg bones.

The ‘moment’ we started walking upright full time our knee joints essentially doubled in size due to the fact that the massive increase in stress and strain that caused. This is probably the best illustration of what our knees go through and what it means for the skeleton I can offer you. The transition from hunting on all 4’s to walking upright was a mammoth task in more ways than one for the human knee joint.

By supporting the arch orthotics reduce ‘torsional stress’ in the knee joint because the knee twists inwards if the arch drops.

By providing control to the position of the calcaneus (heel bone) orthotics can also help prevent with the slight collapse that happens in the knees of people with flat feet who live on hard flat surfaces. These reductions in small but persistent unnatural movements during weight bearing are the basis of all the benefits that Orthotics provide to the hard working human knee.

3- Orthotics reduce strain in the hip & pelvic tissues.

The hip and its associated muscles play a key role in maintaining foot alignment during weight bearing activities. When the arch collapses there are ‘internal rotations’ of the hip joint. The hip and the associated hips muscles have no issues with a moderate amount of internal rotation at the hip joint during weight bearing but like so many things too much is not healthy and the body can struggle to cope.

The hip and gluteal muscles play such a massive role in preventing the arch from collapsing under your body weight that if they can become the first area to experience pain in many people who are struggling with a need for custom orthotics. People who experience tight, sore hips and ‘lower backs’ after long walks and runs are just starting to notice the first signs that their hips are struggling with foot alignment.

So there you have it – 3 of the many potential benefits that may come from caring for your feet with custom orthotics.

So there you have it – 3 of the many potential benefits that may come from caring for your feet with custom orthotics.

Give City Chiropractic a call on 04 385 6446 to make an appointment now!

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5 Surprising Chiropractor Facts

5 Surprising Chiropractor Facts

chiropractor neck adjustment

1- A Chiropractors Official Title Is Doctor

The NZ Commission of Inquiry into the chiropractic profession was a global landmark study carried out in the late 1970’s.

It was initiated due to concerns raised on the part of the medical profession – about chiropractic quackery on the part of the medical profession. 

The outcome of the enquiry set the gold standard for chiropractic legislation across the developed world.

The commission concluded based on the level of education chiropractors receive that chiropractors are entitled to use the title – doctor.

It also concluded that it was in the public’s interest that chiropractors and the chiropractic profession be embraced by the mainstream healthcare system, which incidentally has already become the case in the UK.

Sadly, for the NZ public – for reasons that are not clear this has still not happened over 30 years later.

Chiropractors are not doctors in the medical /pills/prostate examination sense.

They are doctors in their own sense.

They are qualified to diagnose and treat disorders of the neuro-musculoskeletal system… in the same sense that a dentist is qualified to diagnose and treat disorders of the teeth, gums and jaw.

2- Chiropractors Treat Ankle Sprains

The traditional way of doing dentistry was to identify painful little holes in teeth and then pull the whole tooth out.

In a far less invasive but similarly basic sense the traditional way of doing chiropractic was to sniff out locked spinal bones – and manipulate them back to full mobility.

Both the dental profession and chiropractors have evolved somewhat since their more simplistic and 1 dimensional beginnings.

Chiropractors now embrace a broad ‘scope of practice’ which includes the management of a broad range of complaints and techniques. 

Some chiropractors’ practices consist of as little as 25% pure chiropractic technique and complaints.

The rest of what they do is a broad and flexible approach to pain management that merges chiropractic tools with techniques most people would associate with physiotherapy, acupuncture, fitness coaching and osteopathy. This includes managing a million sprained ankles.

3 -Chiropractic Isn’t Neck Cracking

Most healing professions start off with a fairly basic methodology or tool and expand their scope over time.

If you took a peek at what surgeons were doing in Victorian times and then compared it what they can do now you would most likely be a little shocked and amazed. 

When surgeons founded their profession, they were essentially in the business of cutting peoples legs and arms off with no anesthetic and no hand or knife washing between patients.

In far less horrifying but similar terms chiropractors started off with some simple procedures and have expanded their scope of practice over time.

The original chiropractic intervention was the mobilisation of a spinal bone which gave an audible pop as it released. 

But chiropractic is a profession not a procedure – spinal manipulation is something that chiropractors sometimes do.

Chiropractic is a set of principles, theories and beliefs about pain and the spine which has given rise to many different techniques and tools.

4 – Chiropractors Aren’t Alternative

Spinal manipulation is now an absolutely Bonafide treatment for lower back pain and it is part of international guidelines for the management of lower back pain.

Chiropractic is a fully regulated healthcare profession who’s practitioners receive more basic training in the combined sciences of spinal pain, neurology and biomechanics than any other discipline.

Chiropractors have the same fundamental legal standing as doctors and dentists, they are primary healthcare providers. What is alternative about that?

5 – Chiropractors Didn’t Invent Spinal Manipulation

The oldest record of spinal manipulation being used to treat a patient is on 3000-year-old Egyptian papyrus.

Bonesetters are known to have practiced spinal manipulation across many cultures, for untold millennia.

Daniel Palmer was a visionary who founded the chiropractic profession a century ago.

Palmer had noted that spinal manipulation was an age old tool and became interested in developing theories around how it might work.

Palmer subsequently began testing and experimenting with spinal manipulation to great effect.

Palmer’s primary legacy though was the development of a healthcare profession with modern education standards built around the art and science of spinal manipulation. He did not invent spinal manipulations though… far from it.

Give us a call at City Chiropractic on 04 385 6446 to make an appointment now.

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Shoulder Pain

3 Ways To Avoid Shoulder Injuries

3 Ways To Avoid Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder Pain

Before we offer 3 basic actions you can take to prevent your shoulder problems, we just want to make it clear that I will be leaving the ultimate solution off this list.

That’s because the ultimate solution is to stop sitting at a desk for 30+ hours a week.

99% of all shoulder injuries have their roots in chronic postural changes.

Slouching forward over time drops your spine, ribs and shoulder blades forward which puts huge stress and strain on the shoulders soft tissues. 

Desk workers are predisposed to shoulder injuries the way smokers are predisposed to breathing problems … that’s life.

All this being said – we know that you do need to put food on the table – so we will leave this point right here and give you some slightly more practical solutions than quitting your job.

shoulder press
Shoulder Pain Prevention Step 1.

This step alone is usually a game changer for most chiropractic patients with shoulder pain.

Narrow your grip while doing all ‘pressing’ movements at the gym!!!

Especially shoulder press!!!  The wide grip that we tend to take on a bar puts unnatural strain on the shoulders when pressing.

A narrow grip taken with 2 dumbbells… holding the elbows closer to the body makes the shoulder move with less stress to the soft tissues. 

On machines choose the narrowest grip options and keep your elbows and arms more compact … you’ll be stronger and have less pain.

Shoulder Pain Prevention Step 1.

This step alone is usually a game changer for most chiropractic patients with shoulder pain.

Narrow your grip while doing all ‘pressing’ movements at the gym!!!

Especially shoulder press!!!  The wide grip that we tend to take on a bar puts unnatural strain on the shoulders when pressing.

A narrow grip taken with 2 dumbbells… holding the elbows closer to the body makes the shoulder move with less stress to the soft tissues. 

On machines choose the narrowest grip options and keep your elbows and arms more compact … you’ll be stronger and have less pain.

Shoulder Pain Prevention Step 2.

Stick your chest out while you work. 

Part of the postural change that so many of us suffer with and that leads to shoulder injuries is a slightly sunken chest.

Imagine in your mind’s eye the classic teenage posture… the sunken chest is super obvious in teens –  but most of us do a bit of it. 

The remedy is to gently push your sternum forward and drop our shoulder blades a centimeter or two down your back.

When it’s time to move weights around at the gym give at least half your awareness and attention to having a big chest and low shoulder blades.

It can be a slightly self-conscious feeling at first – but you are a big boy/girl now and you can handle that.

Use the mirror in gym to see how different you look when you focus on this postural adjustment.

Shoulder Pain Prevention Step 2.

Stick your chest out while you work. 

Part of the postural change that so many of us suffer with and that leads to shoulder injuries is a slightly sunken chest.

Imagine in your mind’s eye the classic teenage posture… the sunken chest is super obvious in teens –  but most of us do a bit of it. 

The remedy is to gently push your sternum forward and drop our shoulder blades a centimeter or two down your back.

When it’s time to move weights around at the gym give at least half your awareness and attention to having a big chest and low shoulder blades.

It can be a slightly self-conscious feeling at first – but you are a big boy/girl now and you can handle that.

Use the mirror in gym to see how different you look when you focus on this postural adjustment.

Shoulder Pain Prevention Step 3 

Get your ribs manipulated by an expert.

Close to 100 percent of people with stubborn shoulder pain have become locked up in their upper ribs where they tuck in behind the shoulder blade.

Many of whom actually feel an annoying tight or painful sense of a knot in behind the shoulder blade. 

Many however don’t feel anything in that area but are still locked up there – and they experience great relief once it is worked on. 

Too much sitting in the wrong alignment leads the ribs to lock over time which cripples the rotator cuff.

A simple rib adjustment in most cases leads to immediate increase in comfort and range of motion in the shoulder.

For some it borders on seeming miraculous that years of limitation can vanish in a moment.  we would argue though that it isn’t particularly miraculous.

If you had left a splinter in your finger for 6 months and we came along and got it out for you – you could easily feel a sense of immediate relief.

Adjusting ribs isn’t much different –  because it’s an immediate physical release within the body.

Whether you’re a chiropractic person and have chiropractors work on you or you prefer physiotherapy, massage or osteopaths –  basic principles will help you to avoid the whole lot of us much more often… which let’s face it – is the whole idea behind successful pain relief.

Give us a call at City Chiropractic on 04 385 6446 to make an appointment now.

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Is Chiropractic Legit Healthcare

Is Chiropractic Legit Healthcare?

chiropractors are legitimate

A profession that has made a significant contribution to legitimate scientific knowledge of its own area of speciality can consider itself a ‘grown up’ in the eyes of the law –  and in the eyes of modern medicine.

If you go back to the 1980s there was barely even the beginnings of such research from chiropractors, and the chiropractic profession.

At that time there were in fact only three chiropractors in the world with PhDs – Drs S. Haldeman and R. Phillips in the US –  and Dr L Giles in Australia.

There was not a single ‘medical specialty text on radiology, orthopaedics, paediatrics or sports chiropractic published by a chiropractor anywhere… but this wasn’t because there was a lack of knowledge among chiropractors.

Back then medical journals absolutely refused to publish – or even consider reading studies submitted by chiropractors.

When Dr Howie Vernon submitted results of a controlled trial to the journal Manual Medicine in 1984 the editor returned it with a short response that the journal did not accept studies undertaken by chiropractors.

To say that a lot has changed would be an understatement. The chiropractic profession has undergone a gigantic increase in its research capacity and has made a substantial contribution to the global understanding of pain management.

In Denmark alone 27 chiropractors hold PhDs and lead the world in generating chiropractic specific research data.

Canada also leads the world in Chiropractic scholarship because at present most large universities in Canada have a Chiropractic Research Chair, and there are chiropractors with PhDs on the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto alone.

If we look at the international healthcare guidelines for managing back pain we see ‘Spinal Manipulation’ is right up around the top of the list of recommended intervention.

This is because of the hard work done by chiropractic researchers to validate what chiropractors do in their clinics.

The law has spoken globally on whether chiropractic is legit – chiropractic now being deemed Primary Healthcare in virtually all developed countries.

This means that government legislation looks at chiropractic the same way it looks at your dentist and your GP. And believe it or not it was NZ who blazed this trail of legally validating chiropractic globally.

So next time you are at a dinner party and someone is dissing chiropractors for being quacks ask them why the international MEDICAL guidelines for managing back pain have Spinal Manipulation right up the top of the list?

And if they don’t believe it refer them to government legislation on chiropractic for clarification.

In most cases it will be the first time they have even considered researching the topic they deem themselves qualified to speak on.

Give us a call at City Chiropractic on 04 385 6446 now to make your appointment.

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