Knee Pain

Modern life is full of potential sources of physical stress, and this stress can take a toll on our bodies. Knee  pain can be caused by a variety of factors such as injury, overuse and gait pattern issues. To prevent and alleviate knee pain, it’s important to take a holistic approach that addresses both the symptoms and the underlying aspects of the problem.

How We Approach Knee Pain As Chiropractors

Our knee pain patients typically fall into 3 main groups. People who already understand the value of a highly experienced chiropractor. People who are chiro-curious and want to find out what chiropractic can do for them. And people seeking a chiropractor who is willing to combine chiropractic with other methods to increase the likelihood of treatment success.

Knee pain is a common condition that can be caused by various factors such as stress, poor posture, old injuries, excessive sitting, and sports injuries. It can affect your quality of life and even your ability to work or participate in daily activities. However, the good news is that knee pain is treatable, and finding the right treatment can provide relief.

When treating knee pain with chiropractic we place great emphasis on the following;

  • Correct and careful diagnosis
  • Identifying the underlying causes of pain
  • Combining chiropractic with other methods where needed

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What Chiropractors Do For Knee Pain

Chiropractic care is a well-established way to manage knee pain. Chiropractors specialise in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, including the knee. Here are some of the reasons behind why chiropractic care can help so much with knee pain:

  • Mobilising joints: Chiropractic care involves manipulating and mobilising the joints that have become stuck, which can improve the mobility and function of the knee.
  •  Influencing healing: Chiropractic care can positively influence healing by improving circulation and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. When it comes to healing pain movement tends to be the best medicine. Chiropractors are in the business of restoring movement.
  • Treating acute & chronic pain: Joints can get stuck indefinitely. Chiropractic care can treat both long-standing knee pain and pain that has occurred more recently. Joints that have been stuck for a week often respond the same but quicker to joints that have been stuck for years.
  • Stretching the body’s tissues: Chiropractic care works in a similar way to stretching, as it mobilises the body’s tissues to improve mobility and function. When we stretch a muscle repeatedly it improves the muscles mobility and function. Chiropractic does this for joints
  • Managing pain: Chiropractic care can help manage pain by reducing inflammation, increasing mobility, improving blood flow, and releasing endorphins (natural painkillers) in the body. Pain is the body’s way of telling us the tissues are under stress or under threat. Chiropractors seek to manage pain by removing the underlying causes of pain.
  • A safe alternative to drugs and surgery: Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and safe alternative to drugs and surgery, which can be appealing for those seeking natural treatments for their knee pain. Drugs and surgery are very important for certain conditions, and for many others there are safer alternatives

What Chiropractors Don’t Do For Knee Pain

There are 2 major myths about chiropractic that persist to this very day. The first is that it is dangerous and the second is that chiropractors put bones back in place. Both of these are essentially urban myths.

The dangers of getting your knee adjusted by a chiropractor are far less than taking over the counter medications. This has been shown in large scale chiropractic safety research in Europe. Caution and care are essential to all healthcare procedures, yet chiropractic care has an enviable safety record compared to almost any other type of medical healthcare.

Chiropractors do not put bones back in place. We restore movement to vertebrae that have become struck due to injury or repetitive strain. If a bone in your spine was out of place you would be in a hospital unable to move some major body part. Chiropractors restore movement to the body rather than re-aligning it.

Chiropractors Treatment Principles

If you are experiencing knee pain, it’s important to seek professional help, potentially from a chiropractor. They can assess your condition and develop a personalised treatment plan to help manage your pain. Here are some of the things a chiropractor might do to treat your knee pain:

  • Find the exact body tissues causing the pain: Chiropractors use various diagnostic tools and techniques to find the exact body tissues causing the pain. Treating the specific painful tissue is the key to good pain management.
  • Manage soft tissue pain: Chiropractors can help manage the soft tissue pain that plays a major role in most knee pain cases. Soft tissue care is a vital part of every good chiropractors repertoire.
  • Try to identify the reason why the painful tissues have become painful in the first place. Many subtle lifestyle factors can cause pain and a good chiropractor should have knowledge of them.
  • Treat stuck and inflamed joints: Chiropractors can treat inflamed knee joints that are causing knee pain.

Self Care For Chiropractic Patients

In addition to chiropractic care, there are also some things you can do at home to manage your knee pain:

  • Practise good posture: Maintaining good posture can help prevent knee pain by taking pressure off the knee joint.
  • Manage stress: Stress can play a part in knee pain cases. So it is always worth being pro-active about stress if you have knee pain.
  • Take breaks from sitting: If you sit for long periods, take regular breaks to stretch and move around. This promotes circulation to the knee joint.
  • Use proper technique in sports and exercise: Using proper technique can help prevent knee pain. Compressing the knee during heavy lifting is especially common. Fast turning movements are also risky for knees.
  • Limit aggravating lifestyle factors: Avoid activities that you know irritate your knee. Like running on hard surfaces. These issues can cause RSI to build up in the knee tissues.
  • Apply heat or cold: Applying heat or cold to the knee can help reduce pain and inflammation. Ice is usually a far better option so best to start with that and see how your pain responds.

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Combining Chiropractic Adjustments With Other Treatments

We specialise in combining typical chiropractors adjustments with other proven pain therapies. To create quicker and more lasting effects. 

In the old days dentists just extracted teeth and chiropractors just ‘clicked the spine’. But time has moved on and these days ‘up to date’ chiropractors tend to combine chiropractic with other treatments.

Treatment combinations that can be used by chiropractors to manage knee pain include the following.

  • Acupuncture & Chiropractic
  • Dry Needling & Chiropractic
  • Rehabilitation & Chiropractic

Traditional chiropractic treatments only target the mobility of the joints. Combining chiropractic adjustments with other forms of pain treatments targets other tissues that are involved in the pain. Many knee pain sufferers find that they get better quicker and the results last longer when they combine their chiropractors adjustments with other forms of therapy.

Conclusions On Seeing A Chiropractor For Knee Pain

Chiropractic care focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, including the knee. Chiropractors use various techniques to manipulate and mobilise the joints that have become stuck, which can improve the mobility and function of the knee. 

Chiropractors can help manage knee pain by reducing inflammation, increasing mobility, improving blood flow, and releasing endorphins (natural painkillers) in the body. Chiropractors can also positively influence healing by improving circulation and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and safe alternative to drugs and surgery, which can be appealing for those seeking natural treatments for their knee pain. It has high patient satisfaction ratings compared to other pain management methods. 

In addition to chiropractic care, patients can practise good posture, manage stress, take breaks from sitting, use proper technique in sports and exercise, and apply heat or cold to the knee to manage knee pain. Chiropractors can and should also combine chiropractic adjustments with other therapies, such as shockwave therapy or acupuncture, to create quicker and more lasting effects.

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